3 月 16 日,美国三大股指收盘暴跌均超过 11%。特朗普发推特称,美国将对航空工业等其他受 " 中国病毒(Chinese Virus)" 影响的行业给予强有力的支持。我们将会变得更强大!
另据 CGTN 报道:【特朗普发推称新冠病毒为中国病毒 遭网友狂怼:你才是美国病毒!】U.S. president Donald Trump received fierce backlash over his latest tweet of calling the coronavirus "Chinese Virus" on Tuesday. "The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus," read the tweet. He made the remarks shortly after announcing that the U.S. economy may be heading into recession but only resulted in overwhelmed critics calling him a "racist" and stressing that xenophobia won't help in containing the virus.
第一热评:来了。我一直对特朗普转为种族主义和仇外心理,并将新型冠状病毒称为 " 中国病毒 " 的确切时刻感到非常恐惧。既然美国总统做出有意识的决定,走这条黑暗的仇恨之路,我们作为一个国家就陷入了深重的麻烦。
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